BOB MC CUNE, perenial favorite. Wrestled for several years, ran his own gym, and when we last heard he was running a used car lot. Having been a psychology major at college he has always found people interesting and likes to meet new people.

AMG offers 12 of his photos size 4x5 in Albym ZL: $2.50.

3 catalogs in ZL13: 30 cents.

ED FURY from a slightly differnt angle than you may have seen him before. (This is AMGs photo


No matter how many shots we show of Ed, his fans demand more. Ed soon plans to issue a book of his photos which he will announce in the magazines when it is ready.

Dividing his time between the screen and the stage, he also plans soon to do some recordings.

AMG offers his album ZZ at $2.50, 25 catalogs $2.50, and a set of 6 35mm color slides at $3.

WILL THE BANNING OF "CONFIDENTIAL" BE USED AS A LEVERAGE TO ALSO STOP PHYSIQUE BOOKS. Right now, the magazine "Confidential" is not in a popular position. The public like a reformed prostitute, having satiated itself grovelling in the mire of others misfortunes has wearied of the vice of curiosity and there is a mass sub-conscious desire for the former avid readers to absolve themselves of sin by joining in the cries of "Stop this magazine by any means, fair or foul". But two wrongs never make true moral right, and any controls applied must be legal and not oppressive to freedom of the press. Some believe that legislation will be passed to ban scandal type magazines and that an innocent" rider to such a bill will be a control to also stop books displaying the human form, though such books have nothing to do with one another. People will be so glad to get rid of Confidential that they will accept any other limitations at the same time.

Now we have no love for Confidential In fact, several years ago, a depraved LA Deputy city attorney brazenly displayed an open Confidential magazine among his other papers during the prosecution of an innocent physique photographer, and he later was seen taking this sleezy magazine into the judge's chambers where (judging from the latters prejudiced and misinformed off-record remarks) he was apparently able to influence this naive jurist (making necessary a review and reversal of his prejudiced decision by a higher court of superior judges).

It may be possible for the government to break Confidentials back, but should that be accomplished dozens of other comparbble books will spring up in its place, some of which will have benefited sufficiently from the parent's errors to be invulnerable. The only successful way to fight scandal magazines is at the consumer (reader) level. Church and educational groups must emphasize the mental immaturity of allowing ourselves to read such trash. As individuals, we can refuse to read any magazine or newspaper which makes capital of other's misery, and when others want to repeat what they have read we can ask them not to. We need not take the attitude that since the filth exists, we might as well partake of it also---rather we can let ourselves be the example and perhaps we can shame others into following us. Page 8

phantom we

"BIG BROTHER" IS STILL EAGER TO CONTROL YOUR LIFE. If we seem preoccupied with a fear of censors, be assurred it is are fighting. In California's last legislature not less than 6 bills were introduced which would have censored movies. So-called "decent"literature groups would stop you from reading every author from Aristophenes to Emil Zola, and in many of their minds, all physique books are just outright nasty because they expose healthy human flesh. Raids on newstands by police goon squads to remove magazines who wont "pay off" in certain localties are a disgrace, and a certain church group which has itself often felt intolerance, uses every possible economic and political pressure in an attempt to control what you will be permitted to read. Customs officials in various countries including USA often consider themselves qualified to determine what is morally "acceptable" and fine art is often rejected for no greater reason than an exposed backside. And even though much the the earlier McCarthy type hysteria has died down, unpopular political ideas are still banned from many libraries and refused airing in public halls--as if the "protectors" felt the American public to be so stupid and so gullible that if they were permitted to hear anti-democracy dogma, they would immediately accept it.

Totalitarian countries thrive on thought conformation and any nation which doesnt feel safe to let all beliefs to be freely discussed is ripening itself for a dictator. We believe the average American born to the tradition of freedom is capable of making reasonably intelligent choices in all personal phases of his life--Big Brother doesnt think so. He will magnaminously give you a choice of perhaps 2 political parties, while he may not force you to go to church you must at least publicly acknowlege a basic religious concept somewhat similar to his own (as required in various oaths), he quite decidedly dictates your sex life, and wants to imprison you if you dont accept his limitations on art expression. YOU can fight "Big Brother" by giving your time and financial support to such groups as the American Civil Liberties Union, American Friends Service Committee and other groups dedicated to preserving the U. S. Bill of Rights, part of our Constitution! Page 9